News and updates for Tampa Bay production company Dream Nine Studios.About Dream Nine Studios and our agenda for media production in Tampa Bay!Investment information, business plans, and support for the investors of Tampa Bay indy film, video game, and music production company Dream Nine Studios.Careers and opportunities at Tampa Bay indy film, video game, and music production company Dream Nine Studios.Auditions and actor, model, and talent audition information for Tampa Bay indy film, video game, and music production company Dream Nine Studios.Productions for Tampa Bay indy film, video game, and music production company Dream Nine Studios.Features for Tampa Bay indy film, video game, and music production company Dream Nine Studios.Events, film festivals, video game conventions, and music events for  Tampa Bay indy film, video game, and music production company Dream Nine Studios.Store and media downloads for Tampa Bay indy film, video game, and music production company Dream Nine Studios.Links and production resources for Tampa Bay indy film, video game, and music production company Dream Nine Studios.Contact Tampa Bay indy film, video game, and music production company Dream Nine Studios.Passinault.Com, the Passinault Entertainment Group and Passinault Industries LLC. Tampa Bay indy film, video game, and music production company Dream Nine Studios is a Passinault.Com company and a part of the Passinault Entertainment Group in Tampa Bay, Florida.
Dream Nine Studios, a Passinault.Com company - News
News And Updates For Tampa Bay Production Company Dream Nine Studios.


News and Dream Nine Studios web site updates

NEWS UPDATE 09/16/12 - It has been over two years since we have updated this web site, and it is long overdue. We have news, however. Dream Nine Studios will be launching a new web site soon, which will replace this existing Diana Class site (The new site class design for Dream Nine Studios will also replace the only other Diana Class site, which is used by Passinault.Com, our parent company; this will phase out the Diana Class sites completely). This directory which you are now reading the news on will remain online as an archive, but will not be updated anymore, as the site will be completely new, and with new directories and files (we will update the news links on here to the new news directory, however). In other news, we will be working on our first indie films and games soon, and the announced start of production back in 2010 was delayed for technical reasons. The new, and current, announcements will be on the new Dream Nine Studios site when it launches. Our web site will launch before any of our projects are started. For the latest on the development of our new web site, which is being developed by sister company Aurora PhotoArts, please check out their Tampa Bay Photography and Design Blog.

NEWS UPDATE 08/30/10 - Dream Nine Studios will be filming our first indie film in October 2010 (the title is a secret at the moment, because it would give away the nature of the project, which is a surprise). This film, much like friendship, will be a simple exercise in filmmaking to get to grips with our filmmaking gear (although friendship would be a full short film). Since the film will be produced around an activity, however, it won't be a large production; we need to complete the activity project, and little time will be available to make it into a major indie film production. As such, this film will be largely experimental; an exercise in telling a story, shooting the story, and editing the result. At this point, we're still deciding if we are going to do friendship, or not, and, if we do, if it will even have that title. Regardless, the friendship film would be our second indie film, filmed in late 2010, followed by a revamped indie film short called Composure in early 2011, and the Reverence short film after that. The first experimental film would be a horror film, friendship would be a drama, Composure would be a romantic drama, and Reverence would be a new kind of horror film, a psychological creeper. We've been waiting a long time for this, and we can't wait; the announcement of the start of filming a few weeks before the production may hint as to how far along that we are. Regarding release, the first film would be available on the Tampa Bay Film online film festival, the best promotion and marketing platform for indie films in Florida, sometime this fall. friendship would be available on the online film festival early next year, and Composure would be available on the online film festival sometime in the Spring. Reverence would also be available in the spring, although we are going to spend a lot of time on that short film, and it won't be unveiled until it is debuted at the Reverence film festival, a Tampa Bay Film event, in the fall of 2011. The very next day after it is revealed at the Reverence film festival, the Reverence short film will be made available on the online film festival. Thus, the experimental short in October, the short film friendship, and the short film Composure would all serve as a preview for what is coming. Dream Nine Studios plans on having a portfolio of six innovative short indie films, not including that first film, which would make seven, by 2012. All of these films will be used as demonstrations that good indie films can be done for less than $1,000.00 in equipment, and the productions would be documented to support that goal.

NEWS UPDATE 06/14/10 - On course. 2011 is shaping up, and is going to be a busy year. It will take us two years to develop a portfolio of short films to showcase our range, and to be able to show investors, and we expect to be doing feature films with solid budgets starting in 2014. Our primary support infrastructure, in the form of the Tampa Bay Film sites and an elaborate, effective network of film festivals and indie film events, have been established. The film festivals and events will begin operations once we have a few films completed. You have to invest in the future in order to maintain consistency in innovation, as well as to succeed. Another secret film project was revealed today, too; a short drama film about nuclear war, to be filmed in the Tampa Bay area in 2012. Although this is a subject that mainstream Hollywood movies have addressed, expect a lot of our films to tackle subjects that have not been tackled before. Our films will be known for high production standards, innovation, and high quality at fair budgets. Our films will also be known for great scripts, and great characterization, as indie films should be story and character-driven. Another secret project, Project Dragonfly, will tie into the productions of another Passinault.Com company; TBA.

NEWS UPDATE 05/24/10 - In the process of acquiring filmmaking equipment. We will be working on our first indie films this fall, which include the short films Friendship (a short, simple film to get us up to speed; this one will be all story and characterization, with good actors and good camera work carrying the film. Friendship will be one of the simplest films ever done in the Tampa Bay area. This is where we cut our teeth on the equipment), The Point (see the short story by C. A. Passinault, which the film will be based on, here: The Point), Reverence (this short film is an entirely new one, and is NOT based, or connected, to the original Reverence feature film. The story and script are classified), and some others. Early in 2011, we will begin filming the Frontier View online television series, featuring DJ Frontier (see his Tampa DJ Blog for more). Frontier View will film daily, and will be a series which has never been done before; it will be revolutionary. All details of Frontier View are classified). We are ready to begin!

NEWS UPDATE 03/13/10 - A brand new Dream Nine Studios web site, which will be our fourth web site, is being planned for 2012 (and maybe as early as 2011), when our production work, which should begin in late 2010, will be well underway. This current Diana Class site, which has been an effective workhorse and online marketing platform for almost five years now, will be retired (for now, it will be maintained, although little new content will be added to it; most new content will be created, and then launched with the new site. The existing site directories under the domain name will be continued with the new site, at least in a backup support capacity, so bookmarks will remain good). The new site, a new advanced web site design class yet to be determined, will utilize some of the most advanced web site technology available, built from the ground-up on flash and PHP databasing technology. The new site may feature some of the great design aesthetics that this site now has (and our awesome logo, designed many years ago, will continue to be used). New pictures, from our projects, will be added to the site in a flash format, and all of our productions will be done with web site support in mind (how this will be done is currently a secret). One cool thing that will be done with the new site is the inclusion of interactive footage snippets from upcoming indie film projects in the flash graphics of the site, and interactive teasers of our video games, as well as our music. The new web site will also include an online virtual screening room, where all of our short films can be watched, free of charge (we will also offer high quality, expanded versions of our short films for sale via download, at a nominal charge), after debuting at our Tampa Bay Film film festival events, and on the Tampa Bay Film Online Film Festival; the online film festival currently being the most effective film festival in Florida, drawing more exposure for indie films than all of the Florida film festival events combined! Dream Nine Studios has invested heavily in Tampa Bay Film, and our efforts will interconnect with the eight Tampa Bay Film web sites which have become the true, and dominant, voice of Tampa indie film. Dream Nine Studios and Tampa Bay Film will inspire a new generation of indie filmmakers here in the Tampa indie film industry, and it is our goal to revolutionize indie film, and help Tampa indie film to become a leader in the worldwide indie film industry.
We are convinced that some of the best, and most innovative, indie films ever made will come out of Tampa Bay, if not from us, from others, and those others will be inspired and supported by both us, and Tampa Bay Film.
For the first few years of work in independent films, Dream Nine Studios will be building a portfolio of smart, creative short films to showcase our range as an independent film production company. All of these short films will be made available for viewing online, free of charge, on both the Tampa Bay Film Online Film Festival, and here on the upcoming Dream Nine Studios web site virtual screening room. The short films will also be made available for downloading, free of charge, in their basic versions (the downloads of high quality, expanded versions will cost). All of our films, both online and downloaded, will feature running commentary with the cast, crew, and others, as well, by default. Running commentary will also be a standard feature in our video games and music productions.
All Dream Nine Studios productions will be documented and covered on Tampa Bay Film, as well as our other relevant online publications (some of these are secret, and have not been launched, yet).
In the future, when Dream Nine Studios will be producing feature films, the films will be sold in a variety of formats. There will be an online theater where feature films can be streamed and watched for a nominal charge, all of our films will be sold as downloads for a bit more, and we will also sell them in more expensive DVD and Blu Ray packages, full of extras, such as our short films. While both the downloaded films and the physical media packages will be the highest quality of the sales/ content delivery triad, the DVD / Blu Ray packages will be the ultimate collectable items for our fans. The DVD/ Blu Ray packages will contain additional content and bonus material which you will not be able to get anywhere else.
While independent film will be a big focus of our efforts, we have projects in the works which have the potential to revolutionize video games, and music, too. The video games that we will be creating have never been done before, and will inspire the industry, as well as gamers of all skill levels and interests. We currently are gearing up for this production work, too, and more will be announced, soon (for now, read our Tampa Bay Photography Design Blog for clues).
Some of our indie films, video games, and music will be among the most controversial projects ever done in the entertainment industry, for any number of reasons. This does not mean that we will rely on using controversy to sell our work, however, as our work will be excellent, and will sell even without any controversy. Controversy for the sake of controversy is not a good thing, and is usually used to help sell a poor product. If the product is great, however, and it stands on its own regardless of its controversial status or not, controversy can help raise awareness of the product, and enhance sales. As an example, our films will have great stories and acting, and our video games will have excellent gameplay. Some of them will just tackle subject matter which may offend some people, and as long as it is not exploitation trying to be passed off as art, and it really is art, we’re all for it.
Please note that there are a few reasons that the current Dream Nine Studios site has not been updated much in the past few years: In 2007, Tampa Bay Film launched, and all of our web efforts were focused on Tampa Bay Film. Additionally, a lot of work went into Tampa Bay Film, a range of revolutionary film festival properties, and the online film festival, as these are infrastructure investments which we will need once our production work begins. Our Dream Nine Studios creative teams have been doing a lot of research, too, developing some rather cool production technologies and concepts; many of which have already been proven to work. We are way, way beyond what we were working on when we were working on the original Reverence feature film in 2001-2003, a time where we were planning and working on indie films the same way as everyone else did, and still does. The difference is staggering; after the Reverence feature film was cancelled, we continued working on a number of things (and, yes, an all-new Reverence, which is a short film, is now in the works. The screenplay is almost done, and should be ready to shoot with a tiny cast and crew later this year!). What we are now working on is the future of independent film, video games, and music, and it will be well worth the time and expense that we have put into them. For you, it will be more than worth the wait; we hope that this update addresses the concerns of those who keep emailing us with the observation that our site is outdated. We have been busy, the current site is doing well for us, and we’ll get to it when we are ready to do so.

Other Dream Nine Studios News

News and Updates are offline as of Monday, January 7, 2008. As of Saturday, March 13, 2010, it is still offline, and we don't expect it to be online until our first films debut in 2011. For the latest new from our executive producer, C. A. Passinault, check out his Tampa Film Blog, Tampa Bay Film, and the Tampa Bay Film Online Film Festival. Tampa Bay Film is the voice of Tampa indie film, and it is the top resource for indie film in Tampa. The Tampa Bay Film Online Film Festival is one of the top film festivals in the United States, and it is very popular and effective. We also have a main Tampa monthly film festival and professional networking event series in the works, the Tampa Film Showcase. Dream Nine Studios indie films will debut at these Tampa film festivals, as we are heavily invested in them and have a vested interest in making them the best film festivals in Florida. Currently, the Tampa Film Showcase is tentatively scheduled to debut in January, 2012. It will be worth the wait.

While large updates are being done to sections of our web site, and some areas are updated on a regular basis, these updates will be under wraps until production work commences later in 2010. The original Reverence indie film section and the Reverence 7.1 Director's Cut Script are now back online, but the Reverence Production mail section, which documents what went wrong with the original production, and the subcontracted production team dropping the ball, is still discontinued. It is time to put the past behind us and move on. A new Reverence production is in the works, and will combine elements from act one of the old Reverence script and C. A. Passinault's short story, The Point. These elements will be blended to create an entirely new property which will be known officially as the short "psychological creeper" indie film, Reverence. At this time, we can confirm that the new Reverence film project will clock in at around 30 minutes, will debut on the Tampa Bay Film Online Film Festival and the Tampa Film Showcase monthly film festival and professional networking event series, and will not be our first film project. While not technically an indie film project, our first project, scheduled to begin production in late 2010 is the Frontier View project, starring legendary underground Tampa Disc Jockey DJ Frontier (C. A. Passinault), and a episodic series titled Road Rage. We are also considering resurrecting 1993's Futura television series, which was ahead of its time and never saw production. Futura is still ahead of what is out 15 years later, and if we do the series it will probably see a name change!

Our News and Updates section will resume updates later this year, when production work begins. Thank you for your attention.

UPDATED 09/02/10

UPDATED 09/16/12






A Diana Class Web Site by Tampa Bay advertising agency EOS MediaArts. Photography by Aurora PhotoArts.


Dream Nine Studios is a motion picture production company, a video game developer, and a music label based out of Tampa Bay, Florida. It is a Passinault.Com company and a part of the Passinault Entertainment Group.

Dream Nine Studios was formed under the Passinault Entertainment Group in 1999. For the past eleven years, we have been developing infrastructure while the service companies of the Passinault Entertainment Group and Passinault Industries LLC have been working on expanding business. We have also been patiently waiting for technology to catch up with many of our ideas and concepts, which were way ahead of their time, so that we can finally proceed with them in a cost-effective manner. We are currently scheduled to begin operations sometime in 2010, eleven years after initial formation. Our company, which began live as an independent film production company, has evolved to become a indie film production, video game development, and music label company. All of our production lines are designed to assist others, which is one reason that it took us this long to get started, and this will give us an advantage in our production efforts. We will become the dominant entertainment media production company in the Tampa Bay and Florida markets, and as future leaders of the professional production communities in Tampa Bay we will be the catalyst and the innovators which will put local productions on the map and make the rest of the entertainment industry take notice. Our efforts will lead to the recognition and respect that media productions will earn and deserve as powerful forms of art, and professionals who ally themselves with us will benefit greatly. Dream Nine Studios is the primary sponsor of Tampa indie film resource Tampa Bay Film, which currently operates the best online film festival in the Tampa Bay and the Florida markets. We will soon heavily push the next generation of film festival events with the assistance of our sister and event production company Eventi Events and Stage Tampa Bay.

Diana Class Web Site by Tampa Bay advertising agency EOS MediaArts, a Passinault.Com company. Diana Class 003, commissioned 051205.0900 hrs.

Diana Class V2.0 upgrade brought online 072606.0900 hrs.


DNS DIRECTORIES UPDATED 09/16/12 - Content, links, and credits adjusted for shut down of this Diana Class site. New site launching soon.

DNS DIRECTORIES UPDATED 03/13/10 - Content adjusted for new schedule.

DNS site template and site directories refreshed on 01/07/23.

© Copyright 1999-2023 Dream Nine Studios. All rights reserved.